Feiras Agroecológicas e Solidárias
The Feiras Agroecológicas e Solidárias are places where farming families negotiate the agroecological products straight to the consumers. The fairs are marketing strategies that invigorate the field production providing healthy food and ensuring the increase in family income. The fairs strengthen yet the community organization, since they are promoted in a participatory way, being coordinated by the farmers themselves. Nowadays the Feiras Agroecológicas e Solidárias, supported by CETRA, have being happening in Apuiáres, São João dos Queiroz (Quixadá), Fortaleza, Pedra Branca, Trairi, Purão (Trairi), Itapipoca, Paracuru and Quixeramobim.
Rede de Agricultores e Agricultoras Agroecológicos/as e Solidários/as The Feiras Agroecológicas e Solidárias mentioned are organized by the Rede de Agricultores e Agricultoras Agroecológicos/as e Solidários/as from Central Backwoods Territories and Curu and Aracatiaçu Valleys and count on the support of Manos Unidas organization.
Apuiarés – Every Wednesday at Praça da Matriz – 7h.
Comunidade São João dos Queiroz (Quixadá) – Every Saturday at Praça da Igreja – 7h
Fortaleza – Every first Friday of the month at CETRA’s home office in Fortaleza – from 4:00 t 7:00 p.m.
Itapipoca – Every Wednesday at Praça da Matriz – 6h.
Pedra Branca – Every Friday at Galpão da Agricultura Familiar – 7:00 a.m.
Paracuru – Fortnightly on Fridays at Praça da Matriz – 7:00 a.m.
Purão (Trairi) – Every second Sunday of the month
Quixeramobim – Every Wednesday at Galpão da Agricultura Familiar – 7:00 a.m.
Trairi – Fortnightly on Fridays at Praça da Matriz – 7:00 a.m.